A Fresh Start…

A Fresh Start…

The Artist’s Visa is back!!! Being away for a period of time helped me to put things into perspective regarding my relationship to art and my personal growth. The truth is, I have been going through a personal rough patch; mainly regarding my career. I know I am not the only one dealing with feelings like this. I’m not the first, and won’t be the last person to have such a windy professional path due to a very diverse set of interests in life.

One very important thing that I learned throughout this introspective period, is that the best way for me to snap out of a funk is to DO SOMETHING. No matter what it is, just do something and FINISH IT! It may seem like a very simple solution, but I know first hand that it can also take a great effort to get out of a vicious circle of bad habits, particularly when you’re are living in a gray cloud created by your own warped ideas of your world and who you are. I noticed that most of these wrong ideas were developed out of fear (procrastination’s BFF). As artists, a lack of productivity can stem from the fearful idea that what we create might not be liked, or that we are not perfect, or that we might be making a great mistake, when the worst mistake is not even giving ourselves a chance to try. So try. Try every day to change your way of thinking to replace bad thoughts with positive ones. Set goals and achieve them with courage and joy. Start small, like sketching something simple instead of losing hours on social media. Sing a few scales, instead of watching thirty minutes of brainless tv.

A well known truth is that there will always be someone who won’t like what we create. As creators, we need to believe in ourselves. What we make, our convictions, our vision, and most importantly, what we bring into this world, are so unique that we must share them.

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I think we should take time to meditate on this idea together and contemplate how we can improve the world around us. I welcome you to follow me as I continue this journey. Feel free to share your own experiences on any of my social media platforms as well (@theartistsvisa).


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